Jaded Lens

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Mt. Everest

So, I've kind of lost the will to read. Admittedly, laziness has made my choice of books quite simple. My written diet of late mainly consists of terrible works of genre fiction I read when I was in the 8th grade. However, I plan to renew my once vaulted caliber and quantity of written word processing by tackling the Mt. Everest of books:

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Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace

It's a whopping exercise in convolution, 1,088 pages with another novel hidden within the 400+ pages of footnotes, requiring at least a three bookmark system, and wielding a vocabulary that truly tests the extremes of Webster's Dictionary. This is a book you don't sit down and read. First, you must sit down and plan how to read it. I've attempted it twice, never making it beyond page 200. Tenzing Norgay would be truly ashamed had he not died on that lonely mountain top. But the time has come. I will eat, sleep and possibly even bath with this book, but I will not rest until it is finished.

Quote of the Day:

My friend and I were just lamenting the Hegelian existance of modern American life within the rise of the corporate mindset when he summed it up perfectly with the quote, "Whatever happened to the days of secretary fuckin'?"


  • You know what, I've been having the same problem with reading lately. My latest book that I have been reading takes absolutely zero brain power to read. My attempt at a cure for this malady was to get Myla Goldberg's first book, Bee Season. I have no idea whether this book will exercise my intellect, increase my vocabulary, or otherwise stimulate my beleaguered brain. However, she WAS mentioned in a Decemberists song, so it can't be all bad. Right? Right?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:19 AM  

  • Well, the worst part is that I got home last night, all pumped up to start reading, only to find that my roommate had loaned out one of the copies in the apartment and the other was stolen by those horrible roommates we had. One day I will find Adam Good and his cronies and will exact the dollar amount of that book and the rest of the things they stole on his cheesily bearded face. So in the meantime, I might join you in Myla Goldberg. I'm desparate for anything to read, so a Decembrists reference might just do the trick.

    By Blogger Jaded Lens, at 10:33 AM  

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