Jaded Lens

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

CNN.com - Iraq insurgency in 'last throes,' Cheney says - May 31, 2005

CNN.com - Iraq insurgency in 'last throes,' Cheney says - May 31, 2005

But then, of course, we get this as the top story on CNN.com. 2009? I mean, really? 2009? That soon?

What I really don't understand about this quote from Cheney is that haven't they already decided the "war" was over? Why is he still calling it a war? Didn't he get that memo? Wait a minute, didn't he *write* that memo? What's going on here?

*** Just a clarification in case CNN moves the article. The original headline was "Cheney: Iraq War will end before 2009."***


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